
Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Turn Signals On A Land Raider

This is just a quick post for anyone who might've missed the recent return of a 40k classic (or, gasp, did not know of it back in the day). Nothing to do with my own hobby stuff. Think of it as a public service announcement. I'm of course talking about TSOALR. That's right,  after nearly a decade it started again last month and is back (and I'm loving that GW legal is represented by a Lizardman)!

For those of you unfamiliar with this modern masterpiece, it's a humorous 40K webcomic from the 00's following the misfortunes of the crew of and the land raider Super Jackhammer Carrier Tank (Jack to friends) Kren, Frep and Harkon, of "The Emperor's Pointy Sticks" chapter. By far the best GW related development of this year in my opinion. Here is a link to the new strips hosted on the Warhammer Community site, and here is a link to the classic ones hosted by the author on the original site.

Poke 'Em Inna Eye!

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